Their Bonds of Fate (The Bonds of the Silver Throne Book 1)
Their Bonds of Fate
T Summers
Copyright © 2021 T Summers
All rights reserved
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
Cover design
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 1
His hands ran up her slender legs, moving the thick material of her skirt up as he went. She had already loosened her dress in the back, and it hung low below her breasts. He leaned forward and captured one of her nipples with his mouth, swirling his tongue around it as she moaned. The sounds she made were a little too loud and exaggerated, but he blocked them out as much as possible.
Though she was pretty with her dark brown hair and fair skin, Caerwyn barely registered her face. As his hands worked towards her center and his kisses went lower down her body, he was thinking of someone with auburn hair and the brightest green eyes he had ever seen. As the woman in his arms arched up at his touch, Caerwyn almost whispered a name aloud. He kept it low in his throat, not letting it escape, but he thought only of her as his desire grew.
He could wait no longer. He leaned up and undid his pants, letting himself fall free. The woman in front of him cocked an eyebrow and gave a small laugh. “You are more than I thought you might be, my lord.”
Caerwyn leaned forward and kissed the woman to silence her. He was not a lord, but he would not tell her that. He didn’t want her to utter another word. It almost took him out of his mood to hear her speak. Her voice was too loud and harsh to be anything like the one he was longing to hear.
“Don’t speak,” he growled as he pulled back from her. He was paying her enough to do as he bid.
Without another word, he pulled her skirt up and buried himself deep within her. She made the first sound he thought might have been authentic as she let go of a surprised gasp. He moved in and out of her roughly, knowing he was probably causing her some pain. He found he didn’t care much. All he knew was his need that he had left for too long. A growl escaped his throat, and something within him spoke to him, telling him this wasn’t enough. She wasn’t who would truly sate his desire.
She would have to be enough. It would have to do because he could not have who the voice inside of him spoke of. He thought of the last time he saw her, her auburn hair hanging all around her and her lips swollen with his kisses. Just thinking of her brought him to the edge. He closed his eyes and imagined her long thin fingers working their way down his chest. He imagined her head thrown back and her ivory throat on display, ready for him to bite down to truly make her his.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost leaned forward and nipped at the woman‘s throat. He opened his eyes and shook his head. Before he could fully release into her, he pulled out and spilled his seed on her leg, letting out a small groan. Once he was finished, he turned away from the woman and pulled his pants up.
“As much as you paid, you could stay for a bit,” said the woman from where she was. “You might want more soon.”
Caerwyn shook his head. “No. I have done what I wish.”
“Are you sure, my lord? I do not mind waiting around. I have made more off of you than I usually do off three men in one night. I feel as though I owe you more than just a quick tumble with no real ending.” She reached over and picked up a rag to wipe away his leavings off her leg before pulling her skirt down. “I wouldn’t mind you finishing inside me the next time. I have ways of preventing things if that is what you are worried about.”
Caerwyn turned and looked at her. “I am satisfied with what has transpired. Keep what I have given you, and take the rest of the night off if you wish.” He adjusted his shirt and ran a hand through his black hair before picking up his dark cloak and slipping it on. He gave her one more nod before opening the door and stepping out into the hall. He was not satisfied, but he was better off than he had been. He could at least travel on. As he made his way down the hall to the large wooden door at the end, he could hear women’s moans and men’s grunts. He closed his eyes as his mind again went to bright green eyes he was trying to forget.
“Yes, we must have her,” said a voice in his head. “Now.”
He huffed, trying to ignore his inner wolf. He could not have her, no matter how much he might want to give in to his primal urges and go claim her. He was not who she needed, and she would be nothing but a distraction for him. He opened the large wooden door and stepped out into a crowded room. Every table was full. Men and women laughed as someone played a fiddle somewhere in the room. Large fires were burning in at least two fireplaces as Caerwyn made his way to the long wooden bar that stood close to the door.
He found an empty space at the end away from others and called for a glass of mead. It came, and he took a long drink from the mug, watching the door. As though he had willed it, it opened, and a small man wearing a dingy brown cloak walked in. He spotted Caerwyn and walked towards him as Caerwyn turned back to the bar to order another mug of mead.
“Right on time,” said Caerwyn as he handed the small man the drink.
“I always am. Though this time, it was more of a challenge than usual,” said the man before taking a drink.
“How so?”
“The young prince has been hidden away almost since he was born. Do you think they let just anyone know where he is?”
“But you are not just anyone, my friend,” said Caerwyn quietly.
“I am not, but it is only a select few who are trusted with so precious of a secret. If Lord Fellen or any of his court knew the information I hold, it would all be over.”
“Let me have it, Selven,” said Caerwyn as he held out his hand.
“You have what we agreed on?”
“You know I do. Have I ever cheated you before?” asked Caerwyn.
“No, and the great gods know you have plenty of it,” said Selven as he pulled out a tied scroll from some pocket in his cloak. “I know I don’t have to tell you to be extremely careful with this.”
“No, but you will anyway. Don’t you think I am the one person who wishes to see the prince safe? My bond with him is not one I could betray even if I wanted to.”
“True,” said Selven as he handed Caerwyn the envelope. “I am surprised they didn’t tell your uncle and father where the boy was.”
“They told my uncle, but my father did not wish to know. He didn’t want to take any chances with the boy's life. My uncle took the secret to the grave. My father trusted when the time was right that I would find out what we needed to know.”
Selven nodded. He took a drink and smiled a little at Caerwyn. “You could have just asked Lord Cadwin or even Lady Eleri. She could have taken you there herself.”
Caerwyn closed his eyes for a moment and felt himself react to the name. The voice inside his head growled, and a feeling of longing struck him so hard, his knees felt shaky. “I cannot ask Eleri for anything. I cannot see her or her father.”
“If you go to see the prince, chances are you will see her as well. She has a part in all of this, you know.”
He nodded. “I will see her as I must, but I cannot go to her and ask anything of her.”
“I feel like there is a story I would like very much to hear.”
“Perhaps so, but I do not have the time.” Caerwyn pulled out a bag of coins from his pocket, putting the scroll there in its place. “Here is more than you were promised. I trust it will be a good consolation for you missing my story.”
Selven weighed the bag in his hand. “I think it will do nicely. I might stay a night here and clean myself up. Perhaps see to some female companionship. You should join me.”
“No. I must move on. There is no time to waste in seeing to the prince.” Caerwyn downed his drink. “Keep watch over yourself, Selven. I am sure I will need your services again soon.”
“You know how to find me, great Bright One. You know I live to serve the true ruler.”
Caerwyn gave a short laugh. “You do for the right price anyway.” He patted Selven on the shoulder. “May the great goddess shine bright on your path.”
“Follow the brightest star yourself,” said Selven as Caerwyn moved past him towards the door.
As he exited the warm room and into the cold, clear night, Caerwyn wrapped his thick cloak around him. He moved towards the stables, ignoring the laughing, drunk men who stood close to the windows of the inn. Finding a stable boy, he asked for his horse and waited until the boy brought out his dark stallion. Caerwyn threw the boy a couple of coins before hoisting himself up on the massive horse’s back.
He looked up at the bright moon that hung over him; he knew he didn’t really need a horse. He could have let his wolf have his way and shift into the great white beast. He might even make better time, but he could not chance what his instincts would do in his wolf form. He had had to keep his head. He had to avoid any distractions.
He pulled the scroll from his pocket and looked at it under the light of some lanterns that hung outside of the stable. Reading over the words and looking at the map, Caerwyn sighed. He should have known how close the location would be to the west end of the Red Forest. He put away his scroll and picked up the reins to his horse. He had made the right choice to ride. The closer he got to that part of the forest, the more his instincts would take over.
The sights and smells would awake his inner wolf all the more, and the draw to go to her would be overwhelming. Moving his horse forward, he tried to stiffen his resolve. He would not be controlled by some silly instinct and idea of love. He would do what he was born and trained to do. He would see to the prosperity of the land and complete his role in it. One woman could not be his downfall; he would not let it be so.
He gave his horse his head, moving out onto the dark road. Using his excellent night vision, he moved swiftly towards his duty, trying to ignore the ache inside of him that continued to grow.
Chapter 2
The manor was impressive. It was even bigger than her father’s, but she would not be intimidated. She had been born to exist in places that were even grander than the home in front of her. Her ancestors had inhabited the largest manor of the great city of Niamhan. Besides the Silver Palace, there was no other building like it in their land. The country manor she had grown up in had been no simple place. She had servants she could call at any time. She wore fine clothes and met with the best tutors. Some would say she had the life befitting a princess, but she would not let herself think that way.
No matter what legends, prophecies, or whispers existed amongst her people, she would not let anybody but her determine her future. She would not commit herself to anyone or anything just because others had said it was fate. She would choose a life she wanted and choose who she wished to spend it with. A face flashed in her mind, one framed in jet black hair with dark eyes.
She sighed and shook her head. It would do no good to think of him. He had let her know where he stood. She felt shame in that she still held some small hope that he would change his mind, but any amount of hope had never helped her. Eleri needed to focus on the task at hand. She had to meet with the prince and start working to put him in his proper place. The land needed its true ruler before it was too late.
“My lady, are you ready to continue?” asked the head guard of her father’s force.
“What do you make of the place, Aron?” asked Eleri.
“It’s a rather fine house for an ordinary, isn’t it?”
Eleri laughed. “You think those without any powers or gifts cannot succeed in the land? That will not do, Aron.”
“I did not mean to offend, my lady. I was only trying to say that I am surprised a family with no powers, whether magical or goddess-given, can prosper so, let alone be chosen to raise our prince.”
“They were chosen because it is unlikely we would choose an ordinary to raise our leader, Aron. Who would think we would place a powerful son of the last king in such a place? We have been hiding the prince in plain sight not very far from Niamhan, yet he has never been discovered by Lord Fellen or any of his spies.”
“True, my lady. I suppose it was very wise of your grandfather and father.”
She nodded. “We should go. They will be expecting us, and I hate to be late. A Cadwin is always on time.”
“And always welcomed, Lady Eleri. You could show up two hours late, and you would be considered on time and very welcomed.”
She laughed again. “Perhaps, but we are meeting our prince who will hopefully soon be our king. We must show him the respect he deserves. My father will want it that way.”
Aron nodded, and he fell back to ride just behind her. They came to the front of the house, where several servants met them. One helped Eleri to dismount as a well-dressed male servant came towards her.
“My lady,” he said with a deep bow. “Lord and Lady Havens and Prince Conri are waiting for you in the grand parlor. “
“Thank you,” said Eleri. “Will you see to my horse and that my guards have all that they need for a comfortable stay?”
“Of course, my lady. I was told to spare no effort in making your entire party feel welcomed.”
Eleri nodded as Aron walked to stand just behind her. Eleri looked up at the door and took a deep breath.
“Courage, Eleri,” said Arron in a whisper. “You were born for this.”
She nodded and walked forward. In truth, she wasn’t worried about how she would be received. She knew the respect her family name and position warranted. She had been trained to speak with people, and she did not think she was unintelligent. What worried her and kept her pace slow as she walked into the entry hall was the thought of what would happen when she saw Prince Conri.
She had heard much about him from her father, who received regular updates and visited him a few times. The prince was said to be handsome, clever, and not unkind. Of course, she had no way to confirm this before she got there. She hoped the Havens were telling the truth in their correspondence to her father. As she turned towards a doorway that a servant led her to, Eleri closed her eyes for a moment, wondering how the prince would receive her and what her reaction would be to him.
She didn’t believe in fate, not really. Still, there was a voice inside her that said she might be meeting the one meant to be hers. She knew it was the wolf that lived deep inside, so she pushed it down. It was much easier for her to contain her instincts than most who the light goddess had blessed. She was not born a full wolf shifter as only her father was a shifter and her mother a sorceress. For years, her father wondered if Eleri would ever develop a
connection with her wolf as magic came so easy to her at an early age.
It wasn’t until around her seventeenth birthday that she first heard her wolf start to speak to her. A year later, when she first laid eyes on Caerwyn as an adult, her wolf made her full presence known. In the company of the Bright One, Eleri’s wolf jumped to the surface, trying to get Eleir’s attention about the man who stood before her. Judging by the look in his eyes, he was feeling affected by her as well. It wasn’t long before they both gave in to their instincts.
She went to the Red Forest to live with her aunt that year. She worked on honing her magical powers, and in her free time, she met with Caerwyn in secret. They spent many nights and some afternoons in deeply satisfying ways. She could still remember how his touch felt like fire and his kisses tasted of sweet air that she needed to live. He made love to her passionately and without abandon, and she thought a few times he came close to marking her as his own. He held back every time, and when she went back to live with her father, Caerwyn stopped coming to see her.
He popped in and out of her life for the next three years. Though she tried to resist her instincts to be with him, she always gave in. Each time he swore he would leave her alone, but he always came back until the last time.
Her father had been away seeing to some business in the land, and Caerwyn came to visit and bring a message. Finding her home alone, they at first spent a few hours in casual conversation. She invited him to stay for supper, which turned into sleeping one night in her home until he had to be on the road.
She tried to ignore the urge to go to him. She went to his door to knock but turned back, knowing she had to let him go. She would have successfully gone to her own room had he not opened his door just as she was leaving. They looked at one another, and every barrier she had put up came down. He reached for her, and she let him take her into his arms and his room.
Before she knew it, her robe and nightgown were on the floor. She pulled at his shirt until he took it off and flung it somewhere in the room. She pushed him to his bed, working to undo his pants as he kissed her. When they got to the bed, she kneeled before him, taking him into her mouth. He leaned back, saying her name with a groan. She felt as she always did in that position, powerful and desired.